Pauline Furman by Mylène Comte

Pauline Furman

Self-taught plastic artist born in 1987, Pauline Furman creates surrealist, mysterious paintings and sets, straight from shady-lighted universes, strange but joyful, in order to question the others and herself.
It is while preparing the Puces de L’Illustration in Bagnolet that her artistic expression takes on its full dimension. She reconnects with her culture inherited from her mother and her grandmother, passionate about sewing, and her father, a great handyman, who all passed on to her in their own way the love of creation and working with materials. She went from printing on paper to textiles and created her first velvet paintings.

Her personal work on the biggest and the smallest canvas can be flat or volume. Her practice allows her to collaborate with designers, interior architects, set designers, photographers and brands who are willing to create unique objects and custom-made sets.
Recently, her collaborations with Jean-Hugues de Chatillon on ambitious sets have allowed her to deepen her practices.

After a one-year residence at Mains D’Oeuvres in Saint Ouen, her studio is now based at Le Préàvie in Le Pré-Saint-Gervais (93).

Artist website
Pauline Furman by Mylène Comte